Cash payment
Payment is made on the secure banking servers of our partner (Crédit Agricole). This implies that no banking information concerning you passes through the Dive Lyon site.
Payment by credit card is therefore perfectly secure; your order will be recorded and validated upon acceptance of payment by the bank you have chosen.
Dive Lyon offers you the possibility to pay for your order in cash or credit card directly in our store.
Fast payments
Flash Payment allows you to no longer re-enter your Payment Card numbers during your future purchases on our site sent to the delivery address (s) (home, work, pick-up point, etc.) associated with your Payment Card.
Is Flash Payment secure?
With Flash Payment, your transaction is completely secure.
We guarantee that the transfer of payment information that you provide to us online is done securely through our secure server.
Dive Lyon securely stores some of the numbers of your Payment Card, the first 6 digits of your Payment Card, corresponding to the code of your Banking Institution, and the last 4 digits. These two sets of numbers are saved in separate and secure files. It is impossible for Dive Lyon to reconstitute your Payment Card number in its entirety from these figures.
Important: Your payment card number is visible in its entirety when entering it, but only the last 4 digits will be visible in your Dive Lyon Customer Account.
PayPal is an online payment service that allows you to pay for purchases, receive payments, or send and receive money. To benefit from these services, a person must create an account and then transmit various bank details to PayPal, such as the payment card number. Subsequently, the transactions are carried out without having to communicate again his bank details, an e-mail address and a password being sufficient.