Product availability

For products sold and shipped by DiveLyon.com, our real-time inventory management allows us to indicate whether each item in our catalog is in stock or, if not, to provide you with an estimated delivery time. Below you will find the detailed meaning of the availability indicators for items, along with an estimated delivery time for mainland France:

In Stock

The average time for you to receive this item is generally between 1 and 4 business days with standard shipping. It is shortened to 24 hours with Chronopost Express delivery. An additional delay (specified on each product sheet) is required for computers assembled by our team.

Supplier In Stock

The product is in stock with one of our suppliers. After your order is placed, we will procure this product in our warehouses. We will then proceed with processing and shipping. The total average time for you to receive this item is generally between 7 and 15 days.

Available on backorder

The average time for you to receive this item is generally between 10 and 20 days.

Is it worth waiting for the desired product to be in stock before ordering?

At DiveLyon.com, we process orders on a first-come, first-served basis. If you absolutely want a product that is not in stock and is in high demand, we recommend placing your order as soon as possible. This way, your order will be prepared quickly upon receipt of the product in our warehouses.